Proud President

Maybe as a result of turning 40 last year but I felt an over riding need to up-skill! At the same time I watched from afar, the growing interest of the Women’s Institute celebrating its centenary year. It was everywhere, documentaries on the tv, talks on the radio, articles in magazines ….. everywhere except in Morley.

As Morley Town Centre Manager (a longstanding part-time contract through my company Olio Projects) I was amazed to realise a local WI didn’t exist.

So I set one up. Starting with a meeting inviting local ladies to express an interest and when over 120 women turned up there was an instant buzz and a clear need for a Morley WI.

Last September saw our inaugural meeting with over 170 ladies at Morley Town Hall, 170 expectant and eager faces all looking my way…. gulp!

In just 12 very quick months Rhubarb and Custard Morley WI, lead by a committee of 9 amazing ladies has grown to an exciting, inspirational group meeting twice a month with speakers, crafts, activities, events and outings.

Who knows what the next year will bring? But one thing I can say for sure, it makes me extremely proud to see new friendships forming and a certain calmness about the meetings, despite the large attendance.

My focus now is the launch of our charity calendar! In true WI tradition, 34 members have agreed to strip for charity, and the result is to be stunning and beautiful….available from September…… another gulp.

Have a fabulous day!



Author: Rachael Kennedy

As a keen ambassador for empowering communities and enabling local business growth, Rachael founded Olio Projects Ltd, delivering first class project management for SMEs, larger corporates and organisations. Rachael's ongoing contracts include Town Centre Management for Morley, working with local businesses and partners to promote the town as a key destination for retail, leisure and culture. More recently, Rachael worked with the Leeds BID team, involved in place management and developing relationships with trade and commerce in Leeds city centre. As a busy mum of two, Rachael is also proud to be the first President of Morley Women's Institute, set up in 2015 to bring exciting new opportunities to the town for women of all ages.

1 thought on “Proud President”

  1. And so you should be proud bringing the W.I. to Morley was a fantastic achievement and the amount of friendships formed through this is wonderful. Well done to you and your committee.

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